A Big-Bag (or a big bag, a bag package or a soft container) is a large-size package, designed for storing and transporting the bulk materials and of various origins, meeting the requirements of the EFIBC A (European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association) standards. The Big-Bag soft container may be used for storing both food and non-food products. The Big-Bag is a very convenient package for transportation. To ensure tight packing of the goods the containers may be supplemented with a polyethylene liner. There is a great variety of designs with different carrying capacity, number of lifting loops, availability of PE/PP liner, loading and unloading units, special dustproof seams and so on.
The Mega Рак LTD is a fully integrated manufacturer and produces customized Big-Bags of various designs. The price for Big-Bags is established based on the information as follows: - packed product - dense loaded density and weight of the product packed; - dimensions - design features of loading and unloading units; - availability of the PE/PP liner - loading height - additional requirements. Area of application: chemical industry, food industry, construction and other industries The products are in compliance with the TU 25.2-30532250-004-2001 requirements specification, “Polypropylene Products”, and are manufactured according to the operating schedule of the manufacturing facility, meeting the Public health regulations of Ukraine ( Safety and Health Certificate No. 05.03.02-04/17437 dated April 13, 2006 issued by the Dnipropetrovsk regional health inspection service).
Manufacturer warranty: The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of polypropylene bags with the requirements of these requirements specifications provided the conditions of their use, storage and transportation are met.